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Whoo! You've gotten past the tiresome first draft and you barely made it out alive from your book's last fifteen redrafts. I sincerely do hope you don't think it ended there. Oh no, my friend. This is where the race begins.

We've all been there: staring dumbfounded at the 50,000 page word document that you have no idea what to do with.

Fear not. I'm here to tell you what your options are so that you can become the published author that you've always wanted to be, and perhaps, get one step closer to the day where you can bask in a pile of $100 bills while listening to the fans screaming out your name as they line up outside of your mansion. That's the ultimate goal, isn't it? Just kidding. Let's get down to business.

The Write Reason is the writer's guide to fiction, poetry, & nonfiction. We're here to give you insight into the world of boundless creativity.

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"If a story is in you, It has got to Come out." -William Faulkner

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